Draw Close To Me!

Written September 24, 1987


Tell my people I love them. Tell my people to draw close to me and I will draw close to them. (James 4:8) Tell my people I have made provision for their every need. Tell my people I AM all they need. That if they have me - that if they have a relationship with me - they indeed have all - all things - all their needs shall be fulfilled if they would only but seek me.

If my people would seek me and not other things, they would find me. If they find me, indeed - they would find the truth, they would find the way - they would find life. For I am life. There is no life except in me.

How be it, I am a demanding God - because I love - because I am love - I demand holiness. My best for you can only come as I live in your and as I by my Spirit cause you to be what you can not otherwise be.