The First Objective

Written December 30, 1987

PRAY, PRAY, PRAY - my people must pray.

Let prayer be the first objective.

Let prayer be that which motivates you and that which motivates the people.


Even as I have spoken before - there are many keys - but prayer is the KEY that opens the door to all that I am, to all that I have, to all that I purpose in this age.

For it is with thanksgiving and praise that you come into my presence. But, yea, I would say what is thanksgiving, but communicating, fellowshiping with me - that is prayer.

You are indeed communicating with me when you pray. Thus praise is a way of communicating with me.

To pray - you must come into the throne room. To praise - you must come into the throne room.

Put your hands to the plow - the plow of prayer. It is prayer life that needs to be stirred - for the most part - there is fallow ground in regards to praying people.

I want the plow to be set deep - I want the soil - the ground of prayer to be of much depth - to be in the Spirit and in the truth.

Pray, my people, talk to me my people. PRAY, PRAY, PRAY.