The Father's Heart

Written May 31, 1988

Yea, even now the child is being born. There have been many birth pangs, there has been much travail to bring forth - but it has not come forth by thy efforts. For it is by my word that all things are accomplished. You could not do it. I am doing it.

Even as a few went in to Egypt - were forced to go there for lack of food - many came out of Egypt. For I used Egypt as a place of incubation to grow and birth a people that would become a nation.


I used the oppression laid on the people by Egypt to temper, to fashion, to mould a people that would be able to endure hardship that would be able to overcome afflictions. I held them in my hand, I started a relationship with that people. I watched over them, I provided for them, I protected them, I loved them.

A Day of New Beginning

Written January 26, 1988


Yea, it is a day of new Beginnings. It is a day that I would have you look at your walk with me as never before. For I would say, indeed, the honeymoon is over. We have experienced the thrills and the excitement of the days of the honeymoon. It has been good. But now it is time to go on in a deeper relationship. Now is the time for you to forsake your own ways and go with me totally as you never have before. Have I not said in my word - you are a new creature in Christ; old things passed away - behold all things become new. There is a new work of my Spirit today. Our first love was the immersion - being wholly immersed in my Spirit. Being wholly immersed in my love. Much has been cut away of the old man. It was done. You could sense that it was my love - that way you could endure what I was doing in your lives.

Today, my Spirit is a consuming fire. When the fire gets too hot - in the natural - you back away. You want to run. Do not run from me - allow me to refine you - by the heat that is applied through the Refiner’s fire.

For this is our new love - this is my new move. Even as you are able to resist bowing down to the idols of the world as the three Hebrew boys did in Babylon.

I will be with you in the fire. I will comfort you. I will sustain you.

Know the truth - the truth will make you free.

The First Objective

Written December 30, 1987

PRAY, PRAY, PRAY - my people must pray.

Let prayer be the first objective.

Let prayer be that which motivates you and that which motivates the people.


Even as I have spoken before - there are many keys - but prayer is the KEY that opens the door to all that I am, to all that I have, to all that I purpose in this age.

For it is with thanksgiving and praise that you come into my presence. But, yea, I would say what is thanksgiving, but communicating, fellowshiping with me - that is prayer.

You are indeed communicating with me when you pray. Thus praise is a way of communicating with me.

To pray - you must come into the throne room. To praise - you must come into the throne room.

Put your hands to the plow - the plow of prayer. It is prayer life that needs to be stirred - for the most part - there is fallow ground in regards to praying people.

I want the plow to be set deep - I want the soil - the ground of prayer to be of much depth - to be in the Spirit and in the truth.

Pray, my people, talk to me my people. PRAY, PRAY, PRAY.

Draw Close To Me!

Written September 24, 1987


Tell my people I love them. Tell my people to draw close to me and I will draw close to them. (James 4:8) Tell my people I have made provision for their every need. Tell my people I AM all they need. That if they have me - that if they have a relationship with me - they indeed have all - all things - all their needs shall be fulfilled if they would only but seek me.

If my people would seek me and not other things, they would find me. If they find me, indeed - they would find the truth, they would find the way - they would find life. For I am life. There is no life except in me.

How be it, I am a demanding God - because I love - because I am love - I demand holiness. My best for you can only come as I live in your and as I by my Spirit cause you to be what you can not otherwise be.

Love God

Written approximately May 1987

Learning to love God in the quiet time, whether it takes 15 minutes or three hours a day - is both the base and beginning and the point to which we must constantly return.

This requires the preparation of meditation and worship, and then that quiet waiting in God’s presence - until we enter the Holy of Holies to find ourselves united within Him in spirit.

There is no easy way to perfect the life that is in Christ.

I need to take the time necessary each day. Some time each day, then add to it as my longing after my Lord and love Jesus Christ is stirred.

Let me tell Him how cold my love is - then ask His pardon, ask Him to implant more and more of it in my heart, to do so even if in the process He must bring pain and suffering so as to release me from the hold this world, and self and sin, have on me. If you’ll do it - He’ll do it.

Don’t worry!! Rest.


Some warnings - when you come to your time with God, your mind - so cluttered with worries, fears, anxieties and needs - you’ll want to chatter away to God about these. If you need to, first tell Him about them briefly. Put them in His care - leave them there.

Continue seeking - loving, worshiping Him til you come in Holy of Holies. Find rest, peace and oneness with Him.

When needs and worries intrude, remind self and the Lord - they are in His care. Entrust everything to God. Leave fears and sin with the Lord. Continue your quest for Him.